Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy
Acupuncture, herbal medicine & more.
Healing with Traditional Chinese Medicine
The practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is over a thousand years old. Over time the practice of TCM has grown worldwide and has received recognition for its efficacy in modern medicine. It is deeply rooted in eastern philosophy of balance and harmony with nature, carefully examining the intrinsic relationship between ourselves and our environment. TCM includes many therapeutic methods (most well known) acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, qi-gong and more.
Use of very fine, sterile, single-use needles on the pressure points of the body.
It can help to:
Reduce pain
Regulate organ function
Promote circulation
Rebalance hormones
Activate the natural healing response of the body
Sometimes, the gentle stimulation of massaging the pressure points can trigger the body's healing abilities. Formally, this is considered medical massage also known as Tui Na.
It is particularly therapeutic for children whose vital energy is already on the rise and a gentle "nudge" can set it in the right direction.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal remedies have been widely used by cultures around the world for their natural healing abilities. Similarly, it has been traditionally used in Eastern medicine (places such as China, Korea, Japan as well as other Asian countries). Generally, it may be recommended as part of the treatment if needed or it may also be requested. Herbal therapy is often used together with acupuncture in situations where a stronger approach is required.
Herbs may be prescribed as formulas with multiple herbs or suggested for use as a single herb tea.
May be taken as pre-made bottled herbal pills or tablets
Typically, a prescription is required for customized formulas in the form of capsules, granules or raw herbs (as tea)
Easily adjusted for vegetarians or vegans
Herbs are generally of plant origin but may also include non-plant origin herbs such as Zhen Zhu Mu (pearl shell)
All herbal products used follow the guidelines for standards provided by GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) to ensure safety and quality.
Dietary & Lifestyle Recommendations
Taking care of our health in a holistic approach also means examining our daily routines including what we eat and how we live. Both dietary and lifestyle recommendations may be provided as part of the TCM therapy. This may include suggestions based on eastern nutrition and eastern philosophy of keeping the body in harmony and balance.
Generally, cupping may be used in combination with acupuncture. It is placed on the surface of the skin to create a suction for about 5-10 min. It is often used to treat colds, muscle tension and aches. Cupping may also be used a as a stand alone treatment.
Moxibustion (moxa) is made from the dried herb Ai Ye (mugwort). The use of moxa is very ancient and is known to revive a person's vital energy by warming the meridians (pathways of life force) in the body. The use of moxa and 1 needle point is said to have revived one of the earliest emperors of China.
Modern technology meets ancient medicine. Small clips are placed on the acupuncture needles to deliver gentle electrical pulses to the body. Very effective for tissue, tendon and nerve related conditions. Sensation can be described as a continuous mild massage under skin.