Women's Health
Restore your body's natural rhythm
It is common for women to experience discomfort with their menstrual cycle. A stressful life, getting off of birth control pills, weak immune system or imbalance of hormones can cause irregular cycles.
Acupuncture and its complimentary therapies such as herbal medicine and moxa may help regulate your menstruation.
Women's health conditions
commonly treated by acupuncture
Some typical issues acupuncture and TCM therapy can treat are:
Irregular menstrual cycle (painful, heavy, light, absent)
Menopausal symptoms
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PMS and hormone imbalances
Urinary Tract Infection
Allergic rhinitis, headaches, sore throat, colds and more.
Fatigue, migraines, insomnia and more.
Back and neck pain, arthritic symptoms, muscle tension and more.
Stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and more.
Diabetic symptoms, knee surgery, gallbladder removal and more.